Pengaruh Globalisasi Ekonomi terhadap Peraturan Perundang-Undangan dalam Bidang Sumber Daya Alam di Indonesia

Trias Palupi Kurnianingrum
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The economic globalization has influenced natural resources legislation. It happens because the basic values of neo economic-liberalism has slipped into the current of globalization, which causing the natural resources legislation can be cancelled by the constitutional court because is not incompatible with the spirit nationalism of our nation. This is what truly happended in Indonesia if an economic constitutional policy is controlled by the constitution of 1945, so the impact is our constitutional wont allow the market mechanism walking freely without a state interference. To overcome this situation, the constitution must collaborate with market mechanism.


globalisasi; peraturan perundang-undangan dalam bidang sumber daya alam; UUD Tahun 1945

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